オオツキ グラント ジュン

オオツキ グラント ジュン OTSUKI, Grant Jun  [准教授]総合文化研究科・教養学部スタッフ】


I am an anthropologist of science and technology and STS scholar whose research focuses on human/non-human relations (human-machine interfaces, cybernetics), platforms and infrastructures, and popular culture in Japan and North America. I received my Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, Canada, and came to the University of Tokyo in 2024 following appointments at the University of Tsukuba, and Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand.

I teach and write primarily in English. 

Email: otsuki@anthro.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp

[Personal Website] [researchmap] [ORCiD]


To see details about my activities and publications, please go to my personal website.

これまでの研究 / Past research

My doctoral research looked at the broad question "What does it mean to be human?" through an ethnographic study of university-based human-machine interface researchers in Japan. I examined how they imagined, invented, experimented with, and refined technologies for extending certain human capabilities, to understand how they saw the future, their societies and technologies, their bodies, and themselves. I am currently revising a book manuscript based on this work.


現在の研究関心 / Current research

My research interests remain centered on the broad question of "What are human beings becoming with new technologies today?"

Currently, I am undertaking research in the following areas.



他の活動 / Other activities

I have a strong interest in creating and fostering spaces for intellectual collaboration and exchange. I am an associate editor for Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, the open access journal of the Society for Social Studies of Science, and a senior editor of NatureCulture. In the past, I was the graduate student representative for the Society for Cultural Anthropology and a founding producer of its podcast AnthroPod, an editor of vis-a-vis, the graduate student anthropology journal at the University of Toronto, and a co-chair of the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science. As part of this work, I also write for general audiences, and have been interviewed for television, radio, magazines, and newspapers in the US and New Zealand.

In the classroom, I try to employ novel pedagogical methods (e.g. "Labor-based grading" or "Ungrading") to foster experiential and inclusive learning. 

私は知的な協力と交流の場を創造し、育むことに強い関心を持っています。Society for Social Studies of Scienceのオープンアクセスジャーナル「Engaging Science, Technology, and Society」のAssociate Editorを務めており、また「NatureCulture」のシニアエディターも務めています。以前には、Society for Cultural Anthropologyの大学院生代表であり、そのポッドキャスト「AnthroPod」の創設プロデューサー、トロント大学の大学院生人類学ジャーナル「vis-a-vis」の編集者、そして2023年のSociety for Social Studies of Scienceの年次大会のCo-Chairを務めました。この活動の一環として、一般向けの執筆も行っており、アメリカとニュージーランドのテレビ、ラジオ、雑誌、新聞にインタビューを受けた経験もあります。

教育者としては、実践的かつインクルーシブな学習を促進するために、「Labor-based Grading」や「Ungrading」といった教育方法を取り入れてます。

大学院進学を考えている方へ / To students considering graduate studies

I am particularly interested in graduate students who are interested in topics under the broad umbrella of contemporary science and technology, and especially with digital and information technologies. In the past, I have supervised students working on robotics and virtual reality, racial and ethnic discrimination, social media, anime and otaku culture, mushrooms, and drinking culture. Conceptually, I am particularly inspired by work by Donna Haraway, Gregory Bateson, Gilles Deleuze, Bruno Latour, and Michel Foucault, and would look forward to working with students working on any topic who may draw on these or similar scholars.

A mentor told me very early on that graduate school is not just where you become a scholar, but where you learn to be a professional academic. I now interpret this in the following way. 

Graduate school (in cultural anthropology) is where you have the opportunity to further develop an ethically-guided sensitivity to the words and actions of the people and things around you, an attunement to the myriad ways in which they interact and are mutually constitutive, and a passion for translating and writing the worlds thus experienced into forms that can be shared with others. The idea of learning from others, from almost anyone, should excite you. Difficult concepts and ideas cannot be dismissed as mere "jargon"; they are the language with which we express things, experiment, and play.

If you want to go to a PhD and beyond, you also need to be committed to becoming a part of some community of anthropologists or other academics with whom you can work and collaborate, and expending considerable effort to maintain the vibrancy of that community, through informal conversations, joint research, undergraduate and graduate teaching, journal reviewing and editing, among many other infrastructural activities. Finally, graduate school entails being mindful of the privilege one enjoys, even as a student, and of acting in ways that support our interlocutors and similarly committed colleagues, rather than exploit them.

I look forward to working with students for whom the above appears intriguing.












オオツキ グラント ジュン OTSUKI, Grant Jun  [准教授]  ・・・本ページ

藏本 龍介 KURAMOTO, Ryosuke [准教授]  (東洋文化研究所)

後藤 はる美 GOTO, Harumi [准教授]

関谷 雄一 SEKIYA, Yuichi [教授] 

塚原 伸治 TSUKAHARA, Shinji [准教授]

津田 浩司 TSUDA, Koji [教授]

中村 沙絵 NAKAMURA, Sae [准教授]

名和 克郎 NAWA, Katsuo [教授] (東洋文化研究所)

浜田 明範 HAMADA, Akinori [准教授]

宮地 隆廣 MIYACHI, Takahiro [教授]

箭内 匡 YANAI, Tadashi [教授]

渡邉 日日 WATANABE, Hibi [教授]

森山 工 MORIYAMA, Takumi [教授]  ※兼任教員、総合文化研究科地域文化研究専攻
